by Eben de Wet | Apr 18, 2024 | Insights
Why Your Cybersecurity Needs Regular Attention The digital age has brought incredible advancements in communication, productivity, and access to information. However, this interconnected world also presents a growing challenge: cyber threats. Cybercriminals are...
by Eben de Wet | Apr 3, 2024 | African Fintech Solutions, Insights, Latest News
Imagine a world where mobile money transactions take hours to complete, financial apps crash at the slightest surge in traffic, and data security is a distant dream. This, unfortunately, is the reality for many in regions with underdeveloped IT infrastructure. Yet, in...
by Eben de Wet | Mar 6, 2024 | African Fintech Solutions, Insights
Discussing the transition towards a cashless society in Africa, and emphasising growth of African fintech solutions providers across the continent. Africa has witnessed immense growth in digital and mobile money payments over the past decade, driving a rise in...
by Eben de Wet | Feb 20, 2024 | African Fintech Solutions, Centre of Excellence, News
In African fintech, where millions rely on mobile money for daily transactions, even brief outages can have devastating consequences. This case study delves into a real-life scenario where a major mobile network operator (MNO) faced a critical outage, threatening...
by Eben de Wet | Jun 26, 2023 | Insights
New cloud technologies have made data transformation and migration more efficient. This includes moving data from its source in a raw state to its analytics-ready state in the target environment. A professional partner makes these processes easier, especially for...